

The 美术副学士 in Art provides preparation for students planning to major in art at a four-year institution pursuing the BFA in Art. It is also appropriate for those who seek foundation-level training to work as a fine artist, 平面设计师, 插画家, 媒体设计师, 或动画. This degree includes successful completion of ART 289 Portfolio Development the semester prior to graduation, and the satisfactory evaluation of a final graduation portfolio that is representative of art program coursework 在bbin信誉网站. 学生 will meet with a program advisor to determine career/transfer objectives and assess portfolio needs/strengths. Additional coursework or internships may be advised to strengthen portfolio work or develop additional skills.

All Design fields and most BFA Studio programs require a second semester portfolio review prior to being admitted to the degree program. Demonstrated proficiency and specific grade point averages may be required. Most coursework will be accepted but additional work to strengthen the portfolio may be required prior to admission thus delaying the time to degree completion. 学生 are strongly encouraged to contact their preference of transfer institution prior to their sophomore year for specific admission advice.

Each student who is awarded an 美术副学士 degree by the College shall have completed thirty seven (37) credit hours of general education.



1. A grade of “C” or better in English 101 and English 102 is required for graduation. 学生 transferring courses equivalent to English 101 and 102 to bbin信誉网站 must have a grade of “C” or better in those courses in order to obtain transfer credit.

2. A total of sixty-two (62) credit hours with a “C” (2.0) grade point average or above for all work completed 在bbin信誉网站.

3. Student must earn at least 24 credit hours, excluding non-traditional credit options, 在bbin信誉网站.

4. No courses numbered below 100 will apply towards satisfying any AFA degree requirements.




ART 101二维设计(3)
ART 121制图I (3)
eng101作文一  or   (3)
PSYC 101心理学入门(3)


ART 111三维设计(3)
ART 122制图II (3)
SPEC 101 Principles of Speech 沟通 (3)
eng102作文II (3)


ART 289作品集开发(1)
ART 213数码摄影(3)
ART 201人体素描(3)
ART 281西方美术史 (3)
ART 190 Introduction to Computer Arts (3)


ART 282 History of Western Art II (3)
SOC 101社会学原理 (3)


3门课程(9个学期学分), including a two-course sequence in writing (6 semester credits) and one course (3 semester credits) in oral communication. A grade of “C” or better in English 101 and English 102 is required for those courses to be eligible to be included in the IAI General Education Core Curriculum.
SPEC 101 Principles of Speech 沟通
(iai: 2000)

1 course (3 semester credits) in mathematics required.
MATH 110 数学 for General Education

物理 & 生命科学. 2 courses (7-8 semester credits) with one course selected from the life sciences and one course from the physical sciences and including at least one laboratory course, 或者是NSCI 101和NSCI 102.

ASTR 101 Astronomy: The Solar System
ASTR 102 Astronomy: Stars and Galaxies
CHEM 110 Introduction to Chemistry
CHEM 111 Principles of Organo-Biochemistry
PHYS 140 Practical Physics (没有实验室)
PHYS 201 Mechanics and Thermal Physics
PS 101 Introduction to 物理 Science
PS 205 Issues in Science, Technology & 社会

BIOL 100生物学导论
BIOL 200 Environmental Bio-Human Impact (没有实验室)
BIOL 201 Environmental Bio-Diversity (没有实验室)
BIOL 250遗传学(无实验室)

NSCI 101 Environmental Science I (没有实验室)
NSCI 102环境科学2

4门课程(12学期学分), with two courses selected from humanities and two courses from the fine arts.

ENG 190 Introduction to Literature
ENG 206 Ethnic American Literature
ENG 207 Introduction to Women Writers
ENG 210小说导论
ENG 214 Modern American Literature
ENG 223 Introduction to Shakespeare
ENG 250电影文学
HIST 127西方文明2
西方艺术 & 文化
非西方艺术 & 文化
PHIL 100逻辑
PHIL 101 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 103伦理
PHIL 206宗教哲学
SPAN 202中级西班牙语2
SPAN 253高级西班牙语
SPAN 254高级西班牙语II
Consult transfer institution to determine if foreign language is required.

ART 281西方美术史
ART 282西方美术史2

2 courses (6 semester credits), with courses selected from at least two disciplines.
PSYC 101 Introduction to Psychology
SOC 101社会学原理

Minimum total hours required for degree: 62

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Registration for Summer and Fall classes is now available.注册课程